I have achieved website! Well, tis still a work in progress. For now, it amounts to almost nothing. In the future, it may suck less.
Again, I have made changes!
OwO~ little different there now isn’t it. I thought it would be a bit disingenuous to keep the original update statement there even though it is far passed that time. Well, the new one is here.
- Migrated server infrastructure to new box (it has moar horses)
- What is data redundancy?
- What is gender?
- Now even better TM with JpegXL (falling back to webp)
- Better caption and text wrapping for images
- Articles will henceforth only bash on companies I am ang~y at
- Git backups and deployment!
- Fixed safari non-uniform text in code blocks
- Made ‘>’ markdown prettier
- Re-colored rss icon
- A cleansing Fire is burning
While I haven’t had much time to work on stuff, there are some really important back-end changes I did recently (in the last few months). First, I now have it on my other server. This is really cool because it can handle a lot more storage and being hit with more traffic (not that I get any). I also can now stream movies or other stuff off it if I so desire. I have a lot of services on this server at this point which is really cool.
I am also pleased to announce I finally decided to throw this site in a git repo! It is currently private on my personal gitea instance. I might make it public at some point, but I don’t think it would be worth it atm. Also, I still need to setup a systemd service to keep this repo up to date and rebuild it automatically. For now, I at least don’t have to manually zip, scp, move around, and unzip the site. I have also been messing with my nginx config to separate some statically hosted files that were just slapped in the base dir for no reason.
For some future things, I would like to do some writing about my
struggles with Amaranth, the FPGA programming language And also
to teach a certain someone how to actually do FPGA stuff, but I
digress. That is the future, this is now.
If for some reason you decide you want to contact me, you can email me at stitchy@stitchy.moe.
I also have a matrix account @stitchy:stitchy.moe. Please don’t contact me here except for something urgent, VR business, or you know me from somewhere besides this website.